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The Renaissance Music Week is held every year, usually either in the Passion Week or in the Easter week. The subject of this course or workshop is European music of the 16th century. Playing and singing together alternates with lessons in mixed ensembles and with instrument-specific groups. We make music mainly from original notation – Mensural notation – and as authentically as possible (at pitch 440 Hz). The event is offered adults and young people with musical experience. upon request, an introduction to reading historic notation can be offered at the beginning of the week.

Accomodation is in the guest house of the Landesmusikakademie Sondershausen, featuring double and single rooms with individual bathrooms.

Date (likely) for the 2025 event: Monday 13 October 2025 through Sunday 19 October 2025.

We start the week with supper and a common music session on the arrival day, and end with breakfast on the departure day.
The approximate time-table of the full days is as follows:

  9.00 –   9.50Choir for all
10.00 – 12.00Mixed ensembles with voices and instruments for all
13.30 – 18.00Tutoring in individual subjects (two lessons for each participant)
19.30 – 22.00Playing and singing together

About the teachers

The event is organized with support from Music-Newborn Association. Please feel free to ask for further information via this contact address or from the teachers Ute Goedecke, Oliver Hirsh and Ian Harrison

These are the expected approximate fees, comprising both teaching and full board: Single room – 830 €; double room – 770 €, younger than 27 years – 650 €. Students may furthermore apply for a stipend from Music Newborn Association.

Sign up here — an "Early Byrd" rebate is applied if you do so by Saturday 5 July 2025.

See pictures from past Renaissance Music Weeks

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